Dimple Creation Surgery


A captivating smile has long been associated with facial charm, and in various cultures, dimples are considered a symbol of good fortune. Whether inherited genetically or a product of deeper facial muscles, dimples have become a sought- after aesthetic feature. With advancements in cosmetic surgery, individuals now have the option to undergo a straightforward surgical procedure to acquire permanent dimples, elevating their facial allure.

Ideal Candidates for Dimple Creation Surgery

Those seeking to enhance their facial appearance.

Individuals in good overall health.

Candidates with realistic expectations.

Individuals expressing a desire for dimples.

Both men and women aspiring for a dimpled smile.

Note: A consultation with a surgeon is recommended to assess candidacy for

dimple creation surgery.

Benefits of Dimple Creation Surgery

Creation of natural-looking dimples.

Safe and satisfactory results.

Quick and relatively painless procedure.

Minimal risk of complications.

Short recovery time.

Enhancement of facial attractiveness.

Potentially reversible.

Brightening of the smile and addition of character.

Procedure of Dimple Creation Surgery

Marking the Target Area: The surgeon marks the target area after a thorough analysis of the skin.

Local Anesthesia: Administering local anesthesia inside the cheek ensures the incision site is numb, promoting patient comfort.

Creating a Small Depression: A small depression is crafted in the cheek muscle by removing a minute piece of tissue from the mouth.

Suturing: Using an absorbable suture, the surgeon captures the underside of the cheek skin, securing it in the deeper soft tissues without leaving external scars.

Procedure Time: 20-30 minutes.

Side Effects

While minimal, potential side effects may include:

Mild swelling and bruising for a few days.

Possible bleeding in the treated area.

Risk of facial nerve injury.

Infection risk.

Scarring post-surgery.


Short recovery time, allowing patients to return home promptly.

Use of ice packs to reduce post-operative swelling.

Prescribed antibiotics for faster healing.

Diligent care and antiseptic mouthwash to prevent infection.

Temporary restriction from extreme facial expressions during the healing process.